Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Wednesday's word

Romans 12:12
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

These three short commands have been a source of great strength and inspiration to me.
When the pressure of life is on, they put wings to my soul!

Rejoice in hope… I love the Greek word for rejoice! It's so regal! Χαίρομαι.
Have you ever thought about how rejoicing in something enables you to transcend circumstances? What does it mean to rejoice in hope? Our great hope is living with our Lord Jesus Christ for eternity in His kingdom. This hope is not a wish, like when we say, “I hope it’s a nice day on Saturday.” No, it's a certainty! God has promised and will deliver!

Doesn’t it arouse your deepest longing to think of living in God’s Kingdom, with no more suffering, injustice, and death?

In the coming age we’ll no longer have to struggle with evil from others or our own sinful nature! When this hope becomes real to us, it will improve our perspective more than falling in love!

 Be patient in suffering . . . If I have patience, then I will continue on the path God has given me, even if I have to endure hardship. In other words,
I won’t quit!
Luke 8:15 speaks of those who “bring forth fruit with patience” (KJV). The NIV translates this same phrase “by persevering produce a crop.” So, those who are patient are those who persevere in a godly path through the long, hard days as well as the bright, sunny ones.

 Persevere in prayer . . . I remember praying for years that we would find a home in a certain location, our kids would be well, go to a certain school, for healing, His guidance as I pursued my ministers liscense, for my marriage, AGAINST depression and anxiety....
Even though I often fall short in how much I pray,
it is critical we pray.
Our prayer may help someone break through into a wonderful new realm that God has prepared for them. Just think, maybe it’s our prayer that gets them through! Other types of prayer, like conversing with and giving thanks to God, are also invaluable so that we can pour our hearts out to God, hear God’s wisdom, and give thanks for the good things.


Thought for the day:
Today I will Χαίρομαι in eternal life with Jesus Christ, be patient in the hard times, and pray earnestly and joyfully!

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