Monday, November 28, 2011

God’s way of taking care of us

“Friends are God’s way of taking care of us”

I honestly don't know what I would do without true friends during this season. They have scooped me up and held up my arms high. Filled me with laughter and generous joy.

Of course I know God has delivered them to me and I am so in awe and gratitude!
God knows our heart. He knows all our struggles and weaknesses. He knows what we have been going through. He knows all the frustrations, all the stress, all the temptations we have battled. He knows all our hopes, desires, dreams and aspirations.
He understands the plans and goals we have set for ourselves. He knows everything about us, and he cares about our life.
I am learning that if I will only give Him myself fully, He will make Himself fully known to me. He will care for me and provide more than I ever could myself...more than I could ever imagine!
Some of that care and provision He pours right through our friends.


This week I have been giving glorious thanks for those angels we call friends!

Who are the dear ones in your life that are there not just for the joyful laughter, but also the tears streaming down the face? Who is there for every heartbreak, every hurtful moment, and who has forgiven even when you have been the cause of pain? Who will be there for you when the body may begin to fail and the memories fade? Who will hold your hand, stroke your hair, and offer silent prayers even when they cannot find words?

(Grab the button and join in)

  • Being silly with my family
  • The beginning of a months worth of Christmas movies
  • Decorating
  • Thanksgiving with my best friend and her family. I love how she takes care of me.
  • Awesome shoes...that I will never wear
  • New lip gloss (because 300 tubes are not enough)
  • Watching my son bake
  • Slumber party for the after 40's
  • Birthday parties
  • Spontaneous limo ride through the Oregon Vineyards
  • A beautiful elderly couple with the joy of the Lord. I love hearing and seeing how she is loving him and holding his hand as he slips from his earthly uniform into his Glory robes!
  • Sheep grazing
  • Another blessed Seattle trip to see my baby girl (18) have the honor of performing at the Western International Band Clinic with amazing leaders and conductors.

Reece you are an amazing baker!


  1. Hi Robin - its so true that God places friends around us when we need them. God reveals Himself to us through them. Great post
    God bless

  2. Love this! Thanks for undergirding me with your friendship as well! : )
