Friday, February 10, 2012

On the wrong side of every door

Funny Friday

Staying true to the premise...1st thought and 5 minutes. A very light hearted thread of how our word struck me today.


I let one in, the other goes out. They stand on opposite sides of the door studying each other.
When the door is closed they intuitively know the other is just outside waiting to come in, and beckon their people. They trust us purely for not only sustenance, but that we will drop whatever we are doing to open that door :-)

With just an expression, I discern their desire for sister to be let in.
Each look out for one another and summon us to their tag teaming & plotting.
Sometimes they both sit on the same side of the door peering out...
I sit back and wonder, "what could they possibly be sitting there dreaming about"?

T.S Elliot, wrote a poem called the The Rum Tum Tugger.  There is a phrase in the second stanza,
"When you let me in, then I want to go out  I’m always on the wrong side of every door

"He's always on the wrong side of every door"

Oh to be as pure & trusting in my Heavenly Father as our sweet pets are in us. How patient He is as I run circles around myself feeling like I'm on the wrong side of the door, while He just continually opens it & smiles :-)

Taking the plunge with Lisa-Jo and a throng of other fun women for 5 min of writing. Come what may, come what might.


  1. Aw thanks :) And thank you for popping in.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. lol.. that is funny.
    they look like great friends.

  3. ha! Cute story!! And the pics illustrate it perfectly.

  4. It's so true, they would do it all day if I didn't go to work! That's is true trust that comes from our pets! Love it!

  5. T they are not only great friends but their minds :)
    Thank you Mandy, I love my cell phone camera to pieces.
    Kimer I wonder what they do while we are at work. Do they just sit by the door and wait? Ahh gotta just love the pieces out of these creatures.
